The Grade of Centennial
The grade of centennial isn’t exactly a hike but definitely my favorite incline to start the summer season off easy! It is a paved road that leads from the top of the canyon down to Centennial Waterfront Park and it is a very popular path to walk, run, or bike depending on your abilities!
The best way to do this path is to drive down to the bottom and park your car at the park and start there. I always start from the bottom because the incline is so much harder than the decline. I would much rather get it out of the way first!
Once you start your walk it takes about an hour to get to the top and back down to your car. Or longer if you stop at the waterfall midway! That’s right, there is waterfall access halfway through this walk! You can trek all the way behind the waterfall and see it from behind.
My other favorite part about this walk is the view of the Perrine Bridge and the golf course. The Snake River Canyon is so beautiful and you can see so much during this walk. And if you are lucky you can catch some BASE jumpers jumping off the bridge!
This is really a fun and relaxing path that gets you outdoors and gives you so awesome view to look at while to get some great exercise. This is definitely one of my favorite paths to go to in the summer!
Box Canyon
Box Canyon is about a 30 minute drive from Twin Falls but it is so worth it! Once you get to the parking lot you leave your car and walk about a half mile on a dirt path until you reach the scenic overlook. From there you walk under the fence and over to the canyon entrance.
The hike down into the canyon is only about 45 minutes if not shorter but you have to be careful because of how skinny some of the trails are. There are some ropes in parts to hold on to if you need some extra stability.
Once you get down you come to a staircase that leads to the little falls and from there you keep walking until you get to the open area where the water calms down before the dam.
The amazing thing about Box Canyon is the water. It is seriously crystal clear!! It is honestly unlike anything I have ever seen before. We love to take some tubes and coolers down with us and just relax in the water for a few hours before hiking back up.
Even if you just hike down and turn around and hike back up this is hike is so worth it just to see the water!
Dierkes Lake
Dierkes Lake is about a mile from where I live and probably one of my all time favorite hikes in southern Idaho. It is almost a mile and half and basically goes all the way around the lake.
You can start at either end, either in the parking lot entrance or the lake side entrance. Most of it is a dirt path with various inclines and declines. Along the way there are a few rocks that you will have to climb and a staircase towards the back of the lake.
If you want to get adventurous you can veer off the path and go back to the hidden lakes for a quick scenic view! This is something that you should do if you have never been there before just to see what kind of treasures are hidden among the snake river canyon.
Along the way there isn’t much to see other than the lake and the canyon but there is always some wildlife along the way that is fun to see! Also, you get a pretty good view of the houses above hidden lakes which are beautiful!! This hike isn’t hard but it does get hot and tiring so make sure to bring lots of water!
Craters of the moon
Craters of the Moon is a national park in Southern Idaho that has about 30 different hiking paths. All of which give you unique insight into the lava that formed this landmark. There are short paved walking paths for an easy stroll. Or you can take the hikes across the craters and into the caves.
The caves are awesome if caving is something you’re into! Just make sure you do not wear clothing that has been in another cave! Idaho is still white nose free and we hope to keep it that way!
This park is a little over an hour drive from Twin Falls. It is somewhere that you and your family could spend an entire day having fun. The great thing about all the different paths is that there is something for everyone at every skill level!
We have gone a few times this year and try to go on different paths every time. We still haven’t seen all there is to see!
This is one of my favorite places to go because you can never get bored and the view is always amazing. It is also very educational and I have learned so much about the land in Southern Idaho!
Caldron Linn Canyon

Caldron Linn Canyon has one of my favorite waterfalls in Idaho, Star Falls! This is seriously one of the most amazing waterfalls I have ever seen! This hike isn’t really a long or hard hike but it is a must do when you are in Idaho.
Once you park it is a pretty short walk to the scenic overlook which gives you an amazing view of the water. From there you can hike a ways upstream and take you chance at fishing. You can also hike a ways to a starting point and try rafting the crazy waters!
I will warn you that this is a very dangerous falls and should only be floated by experienced kayakers! Not into such crazy activities? It is still tons of fun to hike that path and watch people kayak the waters!
I hope you try some of these hikes and enjoy them as much as we have!
Always adventure,