As far as the title of Adrenaline Junkie I’d say I’m average. I definitely do more adventurous things than many of my friends and family but in no way am I reckless or crazy. I also wholeheartedly believe in trying things once and then maybe never again lol. So you will not catch me jumping out of a plane every single day, but I am SO glad that I went skydiving at least once! And to be totally honest, I’ll probably do it again at some point in my life!
If you need a sign to go skydiving, this is it! I am telling you right now that no matter how nevus you are, it is 100% worth it in so many ways! And to ease your nerves I also wrote a post about the three tips that helped me the most on my first jump. Here are three top reasons you should absolutely go skydiving asap. (But there are way more than 3 reasons you should go!)
Confidence BOOST

Do you want to feel on top of the world? Skydiving, or any extreme sport, will give you that feeling. Like truly, if I can jump out of freaking plane I can do anything, right?! That is how it feels anyways. And the best part of this is that it is a POSITIVE experience to pull strength from. Often times we pull strength from tragedy. We say if I can survive the lowest point in my life I can survive this… But what if we flip the script to drawing strength from pushing our boundaries?!
Okay, I know I’m getting a little cheesy but I just felt so freaking alive after my first jump that I need you to understand how powerful the experience is! And even if I never go skydiving again, it will always be impressive to me that I did the damn thing at least once. I will use this experience to show my strength for the rest of my life.
Completely Present

Sometimes I struggle with being fully present in any given moment. I am always thinking about other people and their feelings or thinking about what comes next or just letting intrusive thoughts creep in. No matter how good or how happy I am being truly present is often hard to achieve.
Let me tell you first hand, you are not thinking about a single thing other than your current moment while skydiving. My mind did not wander for a split second during my free fall. All I could think was holy sh*t I just jumped out of a plane. Yes, it was terrifying but SO FREEING. It reminded me that it is possible to tune everything else out and just live in the moment.
And even after the parachute is pulled and you begin your slower and more peaceful decent, my mind didn’t begin to wander. I still stayed so in the moment. I was looking around at the scenery and just fully taking it in, knowing that not many people had ever seen Miami from this view point. How lucky was I to be able to experience a view like that?! I took it in fully and without ever letting another thought cross my mind. It reminded me that it is possible to tune everything else out and just live in the moment.
A Unique Experience

It is estimated that in the United States only 1% of the population has ever gone skydiving. How crazy is that?! Like you will finally be in a top 1% category! And that to me is something to be so proud of. There are very few things that are such an elite experience that not everyone gets to experience. While universal experience bring us together, unique experiences give us stories and lessons to pass on that not just anyone can provide.
It sounds so silly that something like skydiving can be such a unique experience but it truly is a story I can pull lessons from that I hope one day to pass on to the next generation in hopes that they will go seek an experience similar but all their own. Also, who doesn’t want to be able to brag about something only 1% of people do?!?!?! Bragging rights and fantastic story to tell are just bonuses.
What is the craziest thing you have ever done?! Are you an adrenaline junkie or no?! Let me know!