7 Surprising Health Benefits of Red Wine

7 Surprising Health Benefits of Red Wine

For the Love of Blank loves Wine! So we couldn’t have been happier with this guest post from Ryan of Fitness Goals. Here he has shared with us 7 Health Benefits of Red Wine! As if we needed an excuse to drink more!

Your favorite glass of vino could be doing a lot more than help you unwind after a long day – there are indications that it could be improving your health as well, and making it easier to follow through with your fitness goals. Red wine has been studied for years by health experts from all over the world, and now more than ever the focus is on how drinking red wine can help to boost your health.

Centuries ago, the wine was the go-to medication for a number of ailments and diseases, and there was a general assumption that drinking wine made people live longer. Years later, science indicates that this might very well be true.

One of the best examples is the French paradox- a phenomenon where people in certain parts of France live longer and have fewer ailments, even though they drink a lot of wine and life a lifestyle that might be considered ‘high risk’ by western standards. According to medical research, these people may be experiencing the many health benefits of red wine.

As if you needed another reason to pour a glass – we’ve listed here 7 amazing health benefits of red wine.

1. Improves cholesterol

The European Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study that looked at wine consumption and how it affects cholesterol. One group of participants consumed significant amounts of red wine over a period of  several weeks while the other group consumed no wine. The group that took red wine increased “good” cholesterol levels by 11% to 16%.

In a different study by Curtin University in Australia, postmenopausal women who consumed red wine showed a reduction in LDL cholesterol levels by 8%, followed by a 17% increase in HDL cholesterol. LDL cholesterol is important for strengthening cardiovascular health and reducing a long list of diseases.

2. Fight off a cold

Red wine has antioxidant properties that fight off the common cold. The American Journal of Epidemiology conducted a study involving 4,000 people to see how wine consumption affected health levels. Those who drank at least 14 glasses of wine per week for a year were 40% less likely to catch a cold compared to those who drank less.

The reason red wine prevents common colds is the high number of antioxidants which prevent free radicals, fight diseases, and strengthen the immune system to prevent opportunistic infections such as colds and flu.

3. For aging skin

It’s true that red wine can help you age better. Red wine is a storehouse of valuable antioxidants like resveratrol, flavonoids, and tannin; all of which regenerate collagen and enhance elasticity to make your skin more supple and strong. In essence, it prevents sagging skin and reduces wrinkles to give you a more youthful appearance.

Wine facials are actually pretty common. For the best results, mix red wine with rosehip, grapes, strawberries and essential oils; and apply to your face – and take a few minutes to massage. Wait ten minutes and wash with cold water.

4. Fights obesity and weight gain

A study by Purdue University found that red wine may help to manage or prevent obesity. A compound called piceatannol, which is found in red wine, prevents immature fat cells from growing, and this prevents any fat cell accumulation – making it very difficult to gain excess body mass. The process works through a blocking mechanism that involves insulin receptors and alteration of gene functions during fat cells’ metabolic processes.

5. Raising levels of omega-3 fatty acids

Drinking moderate amounts of red wine increases omega 3 fatty acids in plasma and red blood cells. This effect is ascribed to compounds other than alcohol itself, and some studies have shown improved coronary health and reduction in ischemic stroke. Polyphenols and lipids are believed to cause this effect. Also, due to their antioxidant activity, they are able to lower free radicals, therefore, boosting heart health.

6. Improving lung function and preventing lung cancer

When consumed in moderation, red wine may improve lung function and prevent a process that leads to lung cancer cells proliferating. When free radicals accumulate in the body they lead to chronic and degenerative diseases like cancer. However, the oxidants in red wine can help with elimination of free radicals and renewal of lung cells – which reduces the possibility of acquiring lung cancer in both men and women.

7. Preventing dental cavities

A team of medical researchers in Spain found that polyphenols (present in red wine) prevent bad bacteria to form dental plaque, and this reduces gum disease and cavities. It’s important to note that there are risks associated with drinking wine (excessively); however, the study found that sipping wine can kill bacteria that are known to cause dental cavities.

Red wine is loaded with antioxidants that are good for your body, however, as always remember to limit your intake to two glasses per day maximum. Too much acidity from wine can have negative effects in your body.



  1. hi,
    I was researching about health & nutrition today, and your website popped up. This was the article that I was reading. Your initiative demands praise. Great stuff! Thanks. Anyways have a great day. Please keep posting your articles consistently.

  2. Great article. This article is really well written and I agree with everything you said. Having a healthy lifestyle change your life so much, I feel more motivated, I feel productive and I feel more active. Really nice article. Keep it up.

  3. I love wine and when I hear about the benefits of wine then I am very surprised. There are 7 surprising health benefits that are very unique and valuable for me. Thanks for sharing this information on the health benefits of wine. Keep sharing such informative articles.
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  4. Red wine has many benefits like 1, helpful in stress 2nd feeling fresh and 3rd best treatment for the stomach. It has a big benefit when i enjoyed beer within sensible limits, it can help improve health and helpful for prevention of cancer. I always also enjoy the red wine with friends and small volume of music enhance the enjoyment.

  5. Great post. Most people gloss over the benefits of wine due to the stigma around alcohol. But in moderation it really can be helpful.


  6. It really beneficial for my health as we know how it helps to reduce heart problems,alzaimer etc. Thanks for sharing this article!

  7. I was drinking red wine since 4 years and found it really beneficial for my health as we know how it helps to reduce heart problems,alzaimer etc. Thanks for sharing this article!

  8. Hmmm… I am drinking wine last 4 years but i do not know its magical effects. You are right all of them are surprising. I also feel two things 1st i feel weight loss. 2nd stomach. I know Red wine is loaded with antioxidants that are good for human health.

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