For The Love Of Blank
Our blog started when we, Jordyn and Brittany, finally decided to just jump in and go for it. We had both wanted to start a blog previously. Once we talked about it we decided that we would do it together. We thought that by doing it together we could share in the stress, effort, highs, lows, and accomplishments. And so far it has been amazing and I love being able to do this with my best friend.
Things do get tricky sometimes with us living in two different states and having quite buys lives. However, thank goodness for FaceTime because we always seem to make things work out. Between the two of us we have plenty of stories to share about our travels, family lives, and some great recipes that we have picked up over the years! All we want to do is to be able to share our experience with others in hope that we can help them plan their next adventure or maybe just their Saturday brunch.
We just hope that everyone who reads our blog can sit back with a glass of wine and enjoy what they find.
Advice For New Bloggers
Don’t give up! Honestly, it took us months before we finally felt like we even slightly knew what we were doing. And yet I know we still have a long way to go. I’m sure we have all heard stories about blogs that go viral in their first month. Or bloggers that make thousands of dollars in their first six months or less. But please, do not stop blogging if you are not where you think you need to be. There is no real timeline! If you enjoy what you’re doing, never give up. And that goes for anything in life.
My next piece of advice is similar to the first but maybe more important. You should blog because you love it and no other reason. Of course we all hope to monetize our blog, get a ton of views and maybe go viral. However, if you go into blogging with that mindset I do not believe your work will be authentic. At the end of the day you need to write about the things you enjoy because you want to. As long as you continue to do that and don’t worry about the money or recognition, the rest will come naturally! And usually when you least expect it is when you have your breakthrough!
My 15 nominations are:
Samra –
Paula –
Nancy –
Leah –
Justine –
Larissa –
Serena –
Natasha –
Bree –
Christina –
Becky –
Ashley –
Leann –
Kristen –
Jess –
I love it how you get to share this with your best friend! It’s the best “excuse ” to FaceTime with your BFF! It was lovely to get to know you better. Keep up the good job girls! ❤️
I agree! Thank you so much, it has been a blast!