I still cant believe we bought our first home guys! Honestly I don’t think it felt real until we had our first visitors. A few months ago Brittany and Tyrell and another one of our couple friends came to visit for my birthday, also see the new place. Now it officially feels like we have broken in the new place! Not to mention up coming holiday memories to be made in our home.

Our journey to buying a house actually started 2 years ago. Our budget was lower and interest rates were higher but we still wanted to find our dream 3 bedroom 2 bath home to raise our family in. Here in Eugene where we live the market is completely in favor of the seller. Houses weren’t coming by that often in our price range and when they did they sold within hours! Getting discouraged I gave up and signed another 6 months at my tiny 2 bedroom 1 bath apartment. During that time I found out that I was pregnant with Silas. Now we really needed the Space. We had two months of our lease and three months until we had another person in our apartment. Unfortunately we moved into a bigger rental because we ran out of time.
When it was coming time for this second lease to be up. I was determined to not resign! Thanks to Covid making interest rates lower and pay raises at work we had a bigger budget this time! We found the perfect home! and our offer was rejected. We found another perfect home, and we were outbid… Every time we got our hopes up, they got shot down. What an emotional roller coaster it was.

Finally it happened! I remember the day and exactly what i was doing when our relator called to tell us our offer was accepted. I cried, big ugly happy tears, and then again when Dallas got home and I told him the news.
When we made our offer that was accepted I was amazed at what requests We could make. Our relator was awesome and made suggestions for the requests that I of course was thinking in my head but didn’t know I could ask for. We asked for grass in the back, a new window, new doors, new appliances that we picked out, brand new flooring and everything painted white(I couldn’t live with the Mac and cheese colored room that is now my office). Also after the inspection came back with minor fixes we asked for those to be fixed. The seller did everything we asked.
Now to add to the emotional rollercoaster. Things kept getting pushed back. Our original closing date was July 10th…. we didn’t close for three weeks after that! And when we did move in, thanks to covid making an appliance shortage, we had no stove or fridge for weeks! When buying a house be prepared for set backs, because no one told me to expect them and they are kinda heart breaking.

Now here we are settled in our home and decorating one room at a time to make this house our home. Our house is a four bedroom so the extra room is a guest room/ office for me to do school and blog work in. My husband gets to use the garage as his home gym. We still have work to do to make this our perfect place but we are still in love and in awh that we are finally homeowners!