“Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” – Ibn Battuta
Traveling is a lot more than just seeing the world for yourself. A true traveler wants to share their travels with the whole world. It is an unselfish and open-minded activity that everyone can and should be a part of. This world is so big, and to live an entire lifetime in one place is not what we were put here to do. We are passionate about traveling, but we are equally as passionate about other people traveling. We love hearing our friends and families tell tales of their adventures, and we also love meeting complete strangers in airports and finding out why they are about to get on their plane. Traveling inspires so many to do such great things and all we want to do here at For The Love Of Blank is share how we’ve been able to experience the world in hopes that you too can see the things we’ve seen and we hope that you will share with us your ideas and travels as well!
Travel Diaries
Our travel diaries will be where we share our experiences first hand with you. It will be our storytelling platform and our goal is to connect with you and give you an insight into our adventures. We will tell you everything we did, learned, and experienced in each place. We may even ask our dear friends for some of their stories from time to time as well! Ultimately, this will be full of fun blog posts that will hopefully inspire you to take an adventure of your own!
Travel Tips
Travel tips will be dedicated to us giving you the best advice we can on how you too can travel! We haven’t done anything special in our lives to be able to explore the world other than make the decision to do it. Anyone can do that! One of us is a broke recent college graduate that hasn’t gotten a “real” job yet, and the other is a mother and wife doing her best to provide for her family. So if we can figure out ways to adventure then so can you! Our goal is simply to share with you some of the best tricks we have learned from traveling. Anything from how we get good deals on flights to how to best pack our suitcases to protect our clothes and fragile items! We want to help make your travels easy and stress-free because that’s exactly what a vacation should be!
Our destinations section will be more of a guide through the cities we visit. Rather than just tell you about our trip we want to make recommendations and give you an overview of the city so you know what to expect! We won’t give you too many spoilers but it is always best to know a little bit about a place before you go there or else you’ll end up spending your first couple of days lost and you might not get the full experience of the destination in the time you have there. We just want to give you a few heads up, a few what not to dos, and a lot of must sees and must dos!! We just want to share with you our experience and hope that we can make your experience the best it can be!
The adventures page is going to be full of ideas of things to do. Some of these will be location specific and others will just be fun things to do when you are anywhere near an ocean, mountains, etc.. We want to bring out the adventurer in everyone and we hope that our activities and ideas will spark something inside each of you to encourage you to go out and try something new! We will do our best to let you know what you’re getting yourself in to and we always find things that are reasonable and available for majority of people to do! This is the page to follow along if you want to bring out your inner thrill seeker and have fun doing things that might not be the first thing everyone thinks of when planning a day trip or weekend get away!
Product Recommendations
I love journaling my travels and I have had so much fun with these Compendium journals! They have quotes and color that inspire me to keep traveling. Just click on the image if you want to check them out!