Transit ~ Directions with Public Transportation
This app has saved my life multiple times! When I am fresh off an airplane and my hotel doesn’t have a shuttle, I immediately check Transit! It is the best way to utilize google maps and all of the public transportation! What I love about this app compared to my normal maps app is that you can choose a departure time and know when the transit is schedule! That helps a lot to be able to plan for later in the day or tomorrow.
The other nice thing is that it is so easy to switch between standard map view and satellite or even a hybrid! This makes navigating a new city so easy because you can see the city so well!
Okay my other favorite app is TripGo, BUT it is not available in every city… That is seriously the only down side to this awesome application! You start by choosing your preferred transportation. I.E. public, ride share, bicycle, etc. Next you pick your preferences such as saving money, reducing carbon emissions, and exercising! How awesome is that? This app will actually include more walking if you say that you want more exercise! And you can also choose wheel chair friendly options of you need to!
I even used this app when I lived in Salt Lake City. That is how much I love it! I learned so much about all of the transportation options even after I had been living there for years!
Uber Pool
Okay this one is an obvious app that everyone should have, UBER! If you don’t have the Uber app, join the 21st century and download it now! And if you do have the app and haven’t used Uber Pool yet, just do it! I was skeptical and nervous at first but I have never had a bad experience! Uber Pool for those of you that don’t know is when you share an Uber with other riders. Everyone splits the cost and the driver fills their car for a trip across town! It is a win-win for everyone involved. Everyone we have pooled with has been super chill and we have met some awesome people! You can have up to 2 people so this is perfect when my boyfriend, Tyrell, and I travel because we can both ride share together!
Uberpool is so worth it and I am so happy that I gave it a try! And on a side note, did you see that you can now split the fare for your Uber rides? It is an awesome new feature that makes it super easy to split the Uber fare with your friends!
And as always, don’t forget the obvious apps! Some of the other ways I get around are:
I just watched my friend utilize her Uber app last night…I was so impressed. Thank you for the great resourceful list of apps.
This is great! Next year I plan on taking a trip to Portland and I didn’t really want to rent a car. I’ll have to remember some of these suggestions to use! I’ve never heard of TripGo before but I’m def going to have to use that! Thanks for sharing!
These would be great resources to use on a trip! I’ve actually never used Uber — I must live under a rock 🙂
wow, this is a really helpful list! we love uber bu i had no idea you could ride share too, and i love tripgo
You have no idea how much I needed this in my life! Thank you so much for sharing!
Uber is the main car driving service that I use. They’re always safe, on time and fast.
Britt Mont
Uber is the main car driving service that I use. They’re always safe, on time and fast.
Britt Mont //
Same! I have loved every experience with Uber
My husband has been using uber more lately and absolutely loves it!
Anne | onedetermiendlife recently posted…ADD in Marriage
I always forget about Uber pool. Such a great option. These are great! Saving for later. We love to travel.
I don’t think I’ve heard of Transit or TripGo! I will have to check these out on my next trip. 🙂
GoogleMaps is such a help when traveling!
I love that we have these options now! Thanks for sharing, good to know about it all!
Thanks for sharing! Good to know for travels. I had no idea these apps existed lol.