My Three Year Anniversary: Marriage After Kids

My Three Year Anniversary: Marriage After Kids

Wow! I cant believe that my husband and I have been married for three years. My husband is my best friend, my photographer (literally, check out his photography site here), my rock, and above all the greatest partner I could ask for. We have been through a lot in the 7 years we have been together and fortunately for us, it has made us stronger as a couple.

We met when we were 18 and have been inseperatable since we met. We have dated long distance, moved thousands of miles from our families together, bought our fur babies together, gone through career changes, and of course became parents.

We were young when we had our first, and not married. We got married when our first born, Noah, was a little over a year old. I can’t believe that was three years ago. We now have two kids since we recently Welcomed Silas Jordan into our family, and wow does your relationship evolve when you have kids.

I feel like having kids can do one of two things to your relationship. You can either 1. grow closer or 2. start to grow apart. Not that children make you grow apart directly, but there are so many things to focus on that you lose touch with one another. Date nights become fewer and farther in between, intimate moments are obsolete with a toddler sleeping in between you in bed every night.

But marriage after kids isn’t a sexless, dull, and monotonous relationship.

Marriage after kids is…..

  • Watching your partner becoming a parent, the sexiest thing they will ever do
  • Laughing with and at your kids together for the silly things they do
  • Worrying together on if your are doing it all wrong
  • Staying up all night binge watching your shows together since all you watch during the day is cartoons
  • Falling more in love with your partner watching the sweet moments of them with the tiny humans you created together
  • Keeping each other sane during the sleepless nights of the newborn days
  • Crying together when your drop off your toddler at pre-k for the first time cause they are growing up so fast
  • Panicking with your first every time they cough or have a slight fever
  • Going on a childless trip and feeling lost not knowing what to do without your babies
  • Dressing up with your kids for Halloween just to make them smile
  • And so much more is to come as our babies grow up and I am excited to find more reasons why marriage after kids is amazing.

Marriage after kids is an amazing growing experience for your relationship. My husband and I’s bond has become so strong and I cant wait to see where the years to come take us.


  1. My husband and I actually celebrated our 3 year anniversary earlier this year. It’s been quite a ride. Things do change but we’ve made it work.

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