Why You Need a Vacation Day
After Your Vacation
Get Caught Up on Laundry
Going back to work the day you get home, or even the next morning = a pile of unwashed clothes from vacation. Depending on how long you were gone, and/ or how many people are in your family this could be many loads of laundry. If you have a day off before you can back to work you can conquer this pile of laundry all in one day and know for a fact you will all have clean socks for work or school the next day 😉
Get Over Jetlag
If you just traveled half way around the world especially, your time is all backwards. How are you supposed to focus at the office if you haven’t taken at least one day to get your brain back in the same time zone you live in. I have noticed just an hour time difference can throw me off! hover, If you did just travel half way across the world, I would recommend a couple of days to fix your jetlag lag.
Get Everyone Back into Routine
Kids are really in need of this extra day! They have been staying up late on vacation, more than likely you have been too, and sleeping in. Have one extra day to adjust your sleep schedule! Also get your meals back on your normal day to day schedule. If you have pets you need to pick them up from where they were staying. For some your pets might need your attention for the day to get back into their routine as well. I know my needy corgi does!
Grocery Shop and Menu Plan
Speaking of meals, if you don’t have an extra vacation day, you wouldn’t be able to go grocery shopping and meal plan before you go back. I love to have to not rush to the grocery store in the middle of the night right after getting home.
Lastly, you just need a little time to yourself to relax. Unwind do some yoga, or take a bath with a glass of wine. Finish your book you were so close to finishing on vacation!
No matter your reason for needing an extra day before rushing back to work… just take the extra vacation day! You will head back to work much more prepared and relaxed. Not having the extra day may lead to more stress. No one wants that right after a vacation!
Whats your favorite way to relax after traveling? Let me know in the comments below!
Yes, these are all so true! I completely agree, this should be what we all strive for:) A nice way to end a vacation too.
So much yes! I always say this but never practice it. I need to be better about that!
I agree with this 100%!!! We went to Colorado this summer for a week and I felt like I needed a week just to catch back up on everything!
I always need a vacation after my vacation but it’s usually because I don’t want to go back to work! I do usually like to give myself a day or two before I get back into my regular routine after a vacation.
You have such a great idea. I do think everyone needs a vacation day after their vacation. I remember one year we went camping and our washer and dryer was in our bathroom at the time, and it wasn’t that big of a bathroom and I was like knee deep in dirty clothes. All I could think was I need another vacation day!
Oh no that sounds awful! And after camping everyone wants to take a long shower! I’m sure that definitely called for an extra day or two of vacation!
That’s the truth! My daughter does something unusual, they usually stay in condos with washers and dryers, so they do their laundry BEFORE they come home. It doesn’t seem to be a chore when you are doing the laundry overlooking the Caspian Sea!
I try to do at least a few loads if we have that luxury too!
I always say that I need a vacation after each vacation. Coming home to deal with the vacation being over is my least favorite part. And then having to unpack and make sure to straighten all the things brought back from vacation…
It is so stressful when you feel like you have to rush it!
Yes, I was just saying this! We recently went away for a week, and I’m exhausted, we so need to get back on schedule!
You really need that extra day to feel fully back on schedule!
I so agree with your reasoning! It’s often so nice to have a day to regroup after a vacation. I think I’m definitely going to schedule a couple days at home after my honeymoon next year! 😀
Cheers, Sarah Camille // SCsScoop.com
This is so true! Not only do you need to get caught up, you need time to unwind from the hassles of travel and then unwind from all of the catch-up work that had to be done!
Haha! Your post Why You Need a Vacation Day After Your Vacation hits the spot! I just came back from a roadtrip/camping trip and let me tell you I am exhausted! After putting things away when we got home I was so deadbeat tired I wished there was another day before I could head back to work!
Next time you will have to plan for it!
We just got back from Disney and I needed a week of vacation after my vacation. I love to have some downtime to recharge after a big trip.
Oh I so agree with this article! We always try and come back on the weekend so we have Sunday to adjust and get our bearings…also so I have time to meal plan instead of us going out to eat!
This is so true. I always feel so tired after getting back from a vaca and like I need an extra day.
Jenny recently posted…August Traffic Report 2017
this is so very true. First of all, it always takes all of us to get back to a semi-normal schedule, plus the laundry after any trip is quite a chore. I loved that picture, lol. Blessings!
Yep, I completely agree!! I need a day to decompress, do laundry, go shopping, and get back on track.
Jenna Urben recently posted…Pasta with Creamy Pumpkin Sauce
Exactly ! Or your vacation will end up stressing you out more than relaxing you!
I seriously couldn’t agree with this more. It’s my famous line whenever I get home from a trip. We always try to take an extra day off before heading back to work.
We are exactly on the same page!
We can completely relate! We need a few days for the kids, then a few days for us. All after vacation 😂
Ashley and Jason recently posted…Don’t Be Me
I definitely agree!
So true! A much needed. So important especially for my child.
Children need this day more than we do I think!
Agree! I went hiking last friday then went to work as a teacher on saturday. It was exhausting! Huhuhu Next time I’ll make sure I have an extra day to recover!
Yes you definitely should!
It’s so true! I always say this!!
Oh yes! We always try to have a day off work after getting back from vacation! <3
I totally agree with these tips xD especially when you’ve been traveling constantly haha a vacation day post-vacation is definitely important 🙂
Yes constant traveling should earn you a day at home to rest!
Can’t agree with this post enough! I always plan our vacations with one free day before heading back to the old grind, if for no other reason than to just unwind from travelling! My kids are always better off because of it!
Kids really need the extra day!
I completely agree! I needed that extra day after returning from my trip this weekend because I needed to get myself back into routine. I start my classes today, so giving myself the extra day helped.
You definitely needed at least a day to adjust before starting classes!
I totally agree with you! Really need to do laundry (tons of them) and relax as well!
Laundry is a never ending cycle!
Yesss! I totally agree with this! I try to schedule in an extra day before we head back to work but sometimes I have to settle for just half a day. As long as I have some time to unwind, I’ll take whatever time I can get!
I always say I need a day after vacation to catch up – just for the laundry alone!
This is so true! I’ve never gone back to work the day I’ve returned from vacation, but I have returned to work the day after and I always think that I need to schedule in an extra day.
It is so worth it to do that!
We always come home a couple days before we need to be back to work/school. Because as a Mom I need time to decompress and get the 9 million loads of laundry done and get things back on schedule!
The laundry is never ending after a vacation!!!
Yes! I always try to schedule at least one extra day after a vacation to ease back into life. It really completes the purpose of vacation and having time away.
Yes without the extra day you are just going right back into the stress of everyday, having the extra day is a nice way to ease back into the daily routine.
Absolutely! I never feel like myself if I rush back to work the day after getting home from vacation. Fortunately we’re teachers and have long breaks to plan around.
That is very lucky! You have a long summer break and winter break to plan things!
I have been saying this for years. It’s so hard to just jump right back into things after a day of traveling. Traveling is exhausting!
It is! It makes me so tired to travel home after a vacation!
We always try to plan an extra day (or two!) off after vacation. It really makes such a huge difference! I also try to leave something in the freezer for us to eat the night we get back so we don’t have to eat out again before we get to the store.
Jordan | Read. Eat. Repeat. recently posted…Blue Cheese Avocado Burger
That is a genius idea to put a meal in the freezer for when you get home! I’m going to start doing that!
I couldn’t agree more! I went out of town for Labor Day Weekend, but came back yesterday so we would have today to unwind and get our lives together. Today is for laundry and relaxation 🙌🏻
I hope you enjoy your little at home relaxation day!
I wholeheartedly agree with this! I tell myself this every time we go somewhere for more than a few days and it’s so worth it to be able to get my life pulled (somewhat) back together before heading back to work.
I used to think I didn’t need it but now that I have a small family it is much needed!