During our road trip of the lower 48 states we of course wanted to check out every National Park that we could along the way! Unfortunately we planned our time in California during/right after all of the fires and it was too smokey and still dangerous in some areas to go to all the parks!
That didn’t completely change our plans though, we just weren’t able to see all of them but we did make it to Lassen, Joshua Tree, and the Redwoods! And let me just say, I was surprised by all three of them! Here is my full review of what I thought at these 3 California parks.
Joshua Tree National Park

Okay, we are going to start with my least favorite park we went to, probably out of all of them but definitely California! I know that some people absolutely love Joshua Tree and it is definitely unique, but it wasn’t what I look for in a National Park.
The Cholla Cactus forest and the Joshua Trees themselves were the best parts. We tried to go on a few hikes but honestly at the end of the hike you just had a better view of the vast desert. I grew up in the desert. I don’t need to see it from the top of a mountain.

There were a few cool things like Skull Rock and the uncovered boulders. But overall I was kind of disappointed in Joshua Tree! Now all that being said, I still enjoyed my time there because I genuinely thing all National Parks have their own charm. But one of them has to be my least favorite, right?!
Redwood National Forest

Okay, I know this is a National Forest and not a National Park but don’t get too hung up on that. It is still a phenomenal landscape and worth the drive! The best thing about the Redwood National Forest is that you can easily drive through it on your way from California into Oregon and just enjoy the view for free!
We of course took our time and got out to explore because that is what this whole road trip was about for us. So we ended up following a few trails into the forest and really seeing some neat wildlife! The whole forest is awe inspiring and I could walk around there for days!

I was actually surprised how nice the walking trails were. Most people only talk about driving through the forest but the trails were well maintained and they had signs along the way talking about the trees, wildlife, and landscape!
If you are anywhere near the Redwoods or planning a road trip like we did, make sure this is on your list! It is 100% worth it and something you need to see in person at least once (or a million times) in your life!
Lassen Volcanic National Park

Y’all, I saved the best for last on this list. And to be completely honest, I was not expecting to fall in love with Lassen the way that I did! My husband and I both were shocked at how underrated this park is. Like we had heard people mention it but no one ever told us how AMAZING it is! Maybe they want to keep it a hidden gem?
Well sorry people, but this park needs to be talked about more! This park literally has everything you want in a National Park. Amazing hikes, lakes, rivers, mountains, view points, cool history, fascinating landscape, and sciency stuff to learn about! (Yes, I made up a word. It’s fine)

If we had known how much this park had to offer we definitely would have planned more days to stay here! We unfortunately were on our way to Jordyn’s house for her birthday and so we were on a timeline and had only planned two days, one night here.
Next time we go back I am taking my kayak to get in the lake, my hiking backpack to do all the hikes, and my camera to photograph this beyond breathtaking landscape!!!
Lassen Volcanic National Park deserves a 12/10. There. I said it.

Well, what are your thoughts about these three parks? Have you been before or are they on your bucket list?! Let me know!