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When we go abroad, the majority of us are stringent about getting our travel money ahead of time. All the better for curbing our spending. Instead, we head to a cash exchange store to sort ourselves out in advance. The prepared among us even work out a daily budget to ensure we get the most from our money. How else can you stick to a small budget in another country? By being strict on yourself, you can take minimal cash for maximum benefit.
That is until you fall foul to pickpockets. Then, disaster strikes. The moment you notice your empty pockets, your vacation flashes before your eyes. How will you eat? How can you pay that minibar bill at the hotel? ! If you aren’t careful, a pickpocket can take more than the money you’re carrying with you. Without proper preparation, they could steal both your cash and the amount you spent on your trip. You’ll certainly struggle to enjoy the rest of your time without any spending. You may even have to phone someone to arrange a flight home.
The good news is, it doesn’t have to be that way. If you’re sensible, pickpockets won’t get away with much. They certainly won’t be able to ruin your stay. All it takes is a little preplanning. While no one likes to think about theft, facing the reality is your best bet of working around it. The simple fact is that tourists are prime pickings. So, without further ado, consider the following steps you can take to prepare for the worst.
Get insurance before you go
Travel insurance is crucial for many reasons. Many would argue you’d be mad to go away without it. But, we’re not going to outline the benefits here. We’re merely going to state that, if you take time to look around, you should be able to find insurance which covers theft. Many options out there will reimburse you for stolen cash once you’re home. This can’t help while you’re sunning it abroad, but it could take a massive weight off your mind to know you’ll get that money back. Bear in mind that you’ll need to check your policy while still in your destination. Often, you’ll need a crime reference number from local police before this is an option. But, half a day in a police station is no price to pay for enjoying the rest of your stay. And, this is all because you took out a policy which probably cost you less than an hour’s wage. Need we argue the case for insurance any further?
Know your options if the worst does happen
Insurance isn’t the only thing you can sort before leaving. It’s also worth knowing your options if you do fall foul. This can seem bleak, and most of us want to avoid it for obvious reasons. Doesn’t it feel a little like tempting fate? The truth is, though, that these small researches could make a huge difference. Simple things, like knowing how long it’d take to get a new card sent to your destination, could be a huge help. In most cases, banks can send cards as soon as the next day. Others can take up to three days. Either way, research here will show whether this is an option. It’s also worth checking things like how fast payments go into your account. That way, you’ll know loved ones can send you money if you need it. At the very least, you may want to jot down contact details for companies who offer fast-track payday loans. If you’re 100% sure you can meet the payments, this is a fantastic option for tiding yourself over until you get home. That small injection of cash could be all it takes to keep the rest of your stay on track. After all, why should you miss out on those excursions you want to take because of a thief? With a little research here, you may even be able to find a company which encourages early repayment. That way, you can repay that money the moment your new card comes, without worrying about increasing interest. Whatever you choose; none of these will be available to you if you don’t plan!
Keep cards in your hotel room
It’s important you take steps here once you arrive at your destination, too. Even if you take cash away with you, there’s a chance you like to have your cards as well. Ironically, most of us do this in case of emergency. But, losing cards is a lot worse than losing cash. On top of which, those emergency cards won’t be much good if someone takes you. So, empty your purse and only take out money with you. Then, you can always rest easy you have cards back at the hotel. Even if a pickpocket does their worst, you can then take more money out without worry. Even if you end up paying a fee for overseas withdrawals, this is better than having to worry about things like loans. Of course, hotel rooms aren’t always the most secure things in themselves. As such, you would be better paying extra for the use of a safe. This is an option most hotels offer and ensures a safe place to keep your cards.
Limit the cash you take
Many travelers make the mistakes of taking their whole budget with them each day. All the better for making sure they can spend what they want. But, you can probably tell what we’re going to say. Keeping all your cash on you means you won’t have anything left if you are robbed. By comparison, limiting yourself to small amounts makes an incident like this no big deal. It’ll still be annoying, but you can head back and get more cash. Remember to put the money you leave at your hotel in your safe. Other than that, this is the best way to make sure pickpockets don’t manage to steal all your holiday fun.