The Best Outdoor Summer Activities: On the Land

The Best Outdoor Summer Activities: On the Land


Okay hiking may seem obvious but too often we get stuck hiking the same trails that we know. The beset hikes are the ones that I haven’t tried before! I love seeing new sights and finding new favorite paths. The great thing is that there are truly unlimited hiking trails! They change and make new paths all the time. The same paths I learned to hike when I was a kid look completely different 20 years later and I love seeing what’s changed!


4-wheelers, side-by-sides, dirt bikes, really any recreational video should be out of your garage and running in the summer! Have sand near by? Go play on the dunes! Did it rain recently? Mudding is a great way to enjoy a summer rain storm!


Okay let’s be honest, golfing is fun year round. But for those of us who don’t have a Top Golf near by in the dead of winter, we wait. And our reward is driving around in a golf cart drinking beer. On a hot summer day there is nothing better than cruising around on the green and soaking up some rays!

Intermural Sports

Recreational activities are all too often forgotten. Find your local rec center and join some teams! I think we forget how much fun it can be getting a little competitive. The best part about league sports is that they don’t require much talent. But they are a ton of fun and a great way to meet people, especially if you just moved to a new city!

Ice Blocking

Ice blocking is something that we have tried almost every year. Sometimes it is a total success and other times its a disaster but every time it is so much fun! In case you don’t know what ice blocking is, let me explain. Find a grassy hill in your town that is pretty large and fairly steep. Then go to the gas station and buy a bunch of ice blocks. Then get your friends together and slide down the hill on the ice blocks! What could be better than that?! Just make sure you are in old clothes because you will get dirty!

Twilight Concerts

I know that small towns don’t have weekly Twilight Concerts but live music is always a must in the summer! If you do live in a city with weekly concerts, take advantage of them! It’s a great way to hear new music or your favorite artists. If your town does not do concerts all the time then find a bar or restaurant that has live music and go enjoy! There is always something going on, you just have to go out and find it!


Caving is one of my favorite things to do in the summer. It is basically like hiking but way more exciting. I always love learning about new caves that I never would have guessed were so close to where I live! There is nothing like climbing down into a cave and walking under the ground and exploring the world right under your feet! I went into my first cave when I was about 14 and I have been obsessed ever since. If you have never climbed through a cave, you better make time for some caving ASAP!


Okay I’ll be honest. I am terrible at longboarding! But even so, it is so much fun every time I attempt it! I feel like if I got good at it then I would do it all the time. So if you are good at it, congratulations. And if not, get out there and learn how! It is never something I regret doing on a summer evening with all of my friends.


Slacklining is another activity that I am not very good at but I still enjoy! Basically slacklining is when you take a slackline (or nylon webbing) and strap it between two trees above the ground and walk across. It is kind of like walking a tightrope but way cooler. It is best to do barefoot and once you get good at it, you can do it in super cool places! I usually stick to little ones at the park but I have seen people do it across lakes and rivers, and high lines that look insane!


I think that as an adult I forgot how much I love riding a bike! I don’t care if we just take our bikes out for a ride around town or get out the mountain bikes and go up into the South Hills. Biking is a way better way to explore than just walking! I highly suggest getting your bike out of the garage and putting it to some good use or renting one the next time you’re in a new city as a super neat way to see the sights!

Outdoor Movies

I grew up with 3 drive-in theaters within like 15 minutes of my home so we were spoiled in the summer time when it came to outdoor movies. However, all of them have now closed down which means I have to make my own out door movies! Now this might sound like a lot of work, but its not! if you don’t have a projector then you need it invest in one but it is so worth it. Just get a table, an extension cord, and put a sheet over the garage and there you go! The best outdoor theater in the neighborhood.


Okay and last but not least the pinnacle of all summer activities, camping! Yes, in a tent! Camper trailers are neat and good for you if you have a cabin but tend camping is my favorite! Remember being a kid and camping out in the backyard? It is just as much fun as an adult. So get outside your city limits with some hamburgers, beer, and a tent and enjoy the outdoors! Look up at the stars without ambient lighting and remember how awesome this planet is!


Point of this post is that no matter what you do this summer, get outside and enjoy the sun!

Want to get in the water? Check out these ideas for In The Water!


Always adventure,


  1. I have read your article very attentively really this is a very informative article. So many great ideas in one article. Hiking would be the best for me. In hiking, there are needed many kinds of stuff like hiking boots
    , jacket, knife etc.

  2. omg never heard of ice blocking! that sounds like something I can do in seattle xD (hill central haha)
    and caving?! that’s new too! Wow, I gotta try out some of these activities next summer!

  3. YES!! This is my kind of blog post! I loved reading this because it made me realize how active I’ve been this summer lol. Just need to go caving….

  4. I’m a big advocate of outdoor movies! I would love to go camping this summer and do some hiking, as well! All summer activities are so enjoyable.

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