Eating healthy can involve a lot of planning. The best fresh ingredients such as fruits and vegetables, fish, and lean meats tend to be the ones with the shortest shelf life. If you opt for quality, they can also cost more than foods that aren’t as good for you. It is possible to eat well on a budget, however. With a few tips and tricks, you can enjoy a diet packed full of fresh produce without breaking the bank. Here are five tips for cooking healthy meals on a budget.

Grow your own
You could try growing your own fruit and vegetables or start a herb garden. This is inexpensive to do and with a bit of care and attention, you can have fresh produce almost all year round. Homegrown crops are much tastier than shop-bought and you’ll save money on your groceries. Gardening is also a very therapeutic activity and it’s great for kids to get involved in as well.
Prepare healthy sauces
Use up your organic vegetables and tomatoes to make healthy sauces. These will allow you to keep them for longer. You could try making a fresh tomato sauce, for example, or invent your own soup and stew recipes. You can then refrigerate or freeze your creations. Another good way to preserve fresh produce is by making chutneys and pickles.
Plan your meals
Take care planning your meals and write your grocery list accordingly. This will help you to avoid wasting food and you’ll also spend less. You can try using one of the best meal planning apps to help you. Organise your meals around the shelf life of the ingredients so you don’t end up having to throw anything out.
Keep leftovers
Make larger meals such as one pot chillies, soups, and sauces and keep an extra portion for lunch or dinner the next day. This will ensure you have a healthy meal in the fridge for tomorrow and you will save on cooking time as well as money. You may also be able to freeze certain dishes and keep these for emergencies at a later date. It depends on the type of ingredients the dish contains. Here is a quick guide to leftovers.
Use cheap pantry staples
Stock up on some healthy pantry staples to base your meals around. You can then grab a few fresh ingredients to accompany them. Things like lentils, beans, and other pulses are very cheap but also tasty. They will make a perfect base for stews, curries, and salads and they also keep for a very long time. You can also stock up on rice and pasta as these are very versatile. This will help you save money but you can still create delicious home-cooked meals.
If you would like to learn to eat more healthily on a budget, it’s important to be mindful of what you buy. Avoid overstocking the fridge and plan your recipes well. This way you can enjoy a balanced diet without overspending or wasting food.