- Make him a nice dinner! Valentine’s Day is the best day to stay in and have a romantic dinner for two. Restaurants are over crowded and babysitters are expensive! Turn the dining room into a romantic candle lit table for two and set up the kids in the living room with a movie and their own kids table. Cook his favorites, or something that is your splurge meal such as seafood or filets with creamy gorgonzola sauce. Uncork a bottle of wine and don’t forget a succulent dessert!
- Jord Watches. These beautiful wooden watches come at different price ranges. I love that they are sustainable and sleek designs that can be dressed up or down. They are currently running a special for Valentine’s Day, not to mention you can click here to enter in our giveaway!
- Handmade gifts. Make him a scrapbook of your relationship, or as cheesy as it sounds, a coupon book of things like 20 minute back rub or housework-free day. If you are a little more craft savy something like a knitted beanie or a blanket. Handmade gifts no matter how small are always mean so much more!
- Something from his wishlist I try to keep track of the things my husband says he needs. Sometimes I will purposely wait to order things from his Amazon cart if a birthday or holiday is in the near future. Getting him something he really wants versus buying him something because you feel like your should is a much better use of your money.
- A weekend getaway in the near future Seriously though when was the last time you and your man had a get away with no kids, family or friends? My answer is not since we had our son! Yes he is three and a half You need alone time as a couple, and because of this I planned a weekend away to Seattle in the end of March. You don’t have to plan something expensive, even a night away at a bed and breakfast a few towns away will give you two the alone time you need!
Valentine’s Day Gifts for Him

Valentine’s Day is coming up! The typical gifts of chocolate and flowers or jewelry might not be the best choice for the man in your life. A lot of us women struggle with what to get our significant other. I am not one to go above and beyond by spending lots of money, but I still want my husband to know that I love and appreciate him. Here is a list of some of my top choices for your man this Valentine’s Day.