With my first born I had an unexpected c-section after 2 hours of pushing. With my second born I was able to have a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). I am thankful to be able to experience two different kinds of births, but they were completely different. Here are the big differences if you are trying to decide between VBAC vs C-section.
The Birth Process
Control of process
With my c-section I felt very out of control of my environment. My husband wasn’t able to cut the umbilical cord and the medications I was on made me so shaky I wasn’t able to hold my son for almost two hours of him being born. After getting my epidural I felt like I had more control of my emotions and could answer questions coming from the medical staff.
With my VBAC I felt I had a lot more control. My husband clipped the cord, and I was able to do skin to skin for the first hour. Up until my pan medication kicked in, which was half way through pushing I felt my emotions were very out of control. I was having a hard time talking and signing papers.
Pain management
As I have previously mentioned in My Birth Story, I am a huge baby when it comes to pain. During my c-section I still labored and fully dilated. When I was dilated to about a 5 I begged for an epidural. Unfortunately for me, when I arrived to the hospital for my second I was already and 8, and a 9.5 when admitted. No time for the epidural to kick in before birth. I ended up getting an intrathecal injection, this was a one time shot into the back that lasts about two hours. Unlike my experience with my c-section I could still feel a lot, but it took the edge off of my contractions and when I ripped.
With my c-section I had very heavy bleeding with clots, which is normal. However it only lasted about 2-3 weeks. With my VBAC the bleeding lasted a lot longer, but was a lot lighter. I have heard this from other people as well.
Pain management
With my c-section I almost used all the pain medication I was sent home with. I can remember waking up to feed my son in the middle of the night with all my pain medication worn off and crying while asking my husband to help me sit up because everything hurt. I didn’t have a day that I felt like I was getting better until two weeks had gone by. It also hurt in my incision to laugh, sneeze and cough for about a month.
A big reason for wanting a VBAC was the recovery pain. I had the option to schedule a c-section or a VBAC since I still fully dilated and had a doctor that was on board. If you want to have a VBAC and think you are a good candidate I highly recommend finding a doctor that is fully on board and has a record of successful VBACs.
My pain with my VBAC was completely different. It hurt to pee and sit. I sat on my side for the first week. Once the stitches started healing at around a one week postpartum my stitches were tight and itchy. This was very uncomfortable. At the hospital they gave me great methods for the pain. At first there was ice packs on a diaper for the first 24 hours along with
Length of Recovery
As for my c-section, I don’t think I had a day were I was feeling better until 2 weeks. Even then I still wasn’t really up for doing much. My incision was causing me a lot of pain up until around 4 weeks and lighter pain after that.
With my VBAC, my pain was only in my stitches area for the first week badly. However, I was still taking a daily walk. With the VBAC I was up for a lot more then with the c-section. At three weeks postpartum I took my first hike and was doing light workouts at home. I am still scared to go on a bike ride though! lol. I would say with the VBAC I felt better in week two.

This is so important! Thanks for sharing. How long does it take to recover from a C-section?
mine took about 2 weeks to feel normal but the doctor won’t clear you for 6 weeks
So very interesting to read this. I had 2 c-sections and always wished I was able to VBAC. Like your reply to the previous comment, I was told it wasn’t an option. Articles like this, from actual experience, is what expecting moms need to read. Thank you for sharing your story.
Jen Enoch recently posted…Berry Compote + Goat Cheese Flatbread
Im glad you liked it! Thank you! You are a strong momma for having two c-sections, that is no easy feat. I hope yours went well.
This is great info for women who have a lot to think about when it comes to a birth plan, I think.
Oh, yikes! I was a big baby after my laparoscopic gallbladder removal… I imagine I’d be totally worthless if I had to have major surgery like a c section. Both of my kids were born here at home, no meds… quick labors… I was lucky.
Thats awesome you were able to have home births! and that they were quick.
Thanks for this informative post about VBAC. It’s good for moms to know they have another option available!
Its crazy how many moms who have had a previous c-sectin are lead to believe that is there only option with next pregnancies. Glad you enjoyed the post!